Smoothing Treatments
Smooth Hair, Clean Air
When it comes to results and safety, we’re unwilling to sacrifice. Our treatments are formulated with a unique blend of non-toxic, naturally safe and 100% formaldehyde-free ingredients, proven to work without the worry.
Cezanne not only adds glossy shine while it smoothes, but actually makes the hair stronger and healthier, too. Our revolutionary low pH formulation restores bonds to broken or damaged hair. It’s also free from any kind of aldehydes or harmful toxins found in similar products—keeping you, your clients and your salon safe from harmful vapors or fumes.

Qiqi is not a keratin. It has no formaldehyde and can make your hair permanently straight or just loosen your curls to make them form better. No hazardous chemicals, parabens, alkaline, micro-plastic or any ingredient that leaves a build up on your hair. Qiqi will never support animal testing and NEVER uses animal derived ingredients.
Contact us today for a complimentary consultation!